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Healthcare Providers & Researchers

Links to sites and downloads that are designed for Healthcare Providers and Researchers are listed here. Sufferers can point their medical professionals to these resources if they are not familiar with Burning Mouth Syndrome. Please check out our current listing of Research & Studies, as well, for the latest studies and abstracts.

BMS For Dummies - An Overview of the Basics

No insult is implied by this title. It is just a reference to a very popular series of books that boiled complicated subjects down to easily readable and understandable basics.

The fact is, no one really knows what causes BMS. However, it is believed to be a form of neuropathic pain. This means that nerve fibers in the mouth, for now, are functioning abnormally and transmitting pain despite the fact that there is no painful stimulus...

The information posted here is not meant to be taken as medical advice. Consult your personal doctor before applying any of the knowledge you gain here since every case is very individual. Thank you.

Burning Mouth Syndrome Education for Medical or Dental Professionals - National Library of Medicine

Part of a course of continuing education for medical or dental professionals, this site gives a good overview of Burning Mouth Syndrome and its symptoms.

The information posted here is not meant to be taken as medical advice. Consult your personal doctor before applying any of the knowledge you gain here since every case is very individual. Thank you.

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